The International Disaster Database
EM-DAT provides a database for assessment and rational decision-making in disaster situations. For example, it helps policymakers identify disaster types that are most common in a given country and have had significant historical impacts on specific human populations. Read more
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International Human Development Indicators
The International Human Development Indicators have a couple of natural disaster indicators to incorporate with other metrics. Read more
Can an austerity program rescue the eurozone from the crisis?
This is a guest post by Thiess Petersen, who also works with the future challenges team in Gütersloh. In his last post, Thiess analyzed the economic roots of the current financial crisis in eurozone. In this post he is asking whether European governments can solve this crisis by reducing their […]
Financial products for low-income migrants in host countries: Philippines National Bank
This article was originally drafted by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy for Issue 14 of the newsletter “Asian Trends Monitoring Bulletin” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on futurechallenges.org, please click here. A growing stock of migrant workers inevitably leads to a growing […]
Starting a new life in a legal grey zone: a Burmese refugee family
This article was originally drafted by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy for Issue 14 of the newsletter “Asian Trends Monitoring Bulletin” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on futurechallenges.org, please click here. 20 years ago, Madame Khin decided to run away from her […]