Food Security- an inconvenient truth for Taiwan
When my father was a little poor orphan during the war in China, he searched in fields for the remains of grains of rice and ate them with rats’ or birds’ eggs he found. And my mother as a child in eastern Taiwan coast, ate rice gruel mixed with sweet […]
Indian Women – Corporate Divas or Ordinary Janes
Do bright colors, festivities, spicy food, heat, dirt, poverty, or spiritual retreats ring any bells when you think of India? And what about Indian women? Exotic is perhaps the first stereotype that springs to mind. Well, the Indian woman is certainly more than that! In a country rife with unemployment, […]
How to make globalisation work for labour markets? Key policy lessons for developing countries*
Globalisation and labour markets in the developing world The positive impact of trade on growth is reasonably well-established, both in the literature and among trade professionals.[1] Market openness is a necessary, albeit not sufficient, condition for sustained economic performance. The relationship between trade and employment is, however, more complex and […]
More and Better Jobs in South Asia
South Asia, which is home to more than 40 percent of the world’s absolute poor, will contribute nearly 40 percent of the growth in the world’s working age population over the next several decades. “More and Better Jobs in South Asia”, a publication by the World Bank, attempts to answer […]