Farewell to Saray / Hasta siempre Saray
On January 3rd of this year, Sara Martin Rojo passed away in an unfortunate car accident. Multimedia Doctorate student at Unicamp University (Brazil), blogger of Future Challenges, dearest friend, a spirit serving life. The loss is irreparable. Saray, as many of us knew her, used to offer her whole […]
La pobreza de la clase media globalizada
Abstract: Amid the misery that abounds and overflows the streets of developing countries, advertising shows us happy and perfect families experiencing moments of ecstasy and communion under the taste of a Coke, or deluded girls who inhabit the bichromatic world of Barbie, the eroticized gothic of Monster High or the centennial […]
Sobre conejos, renos y nieves tropicales
Abstract: All my memories about Christmas involve snow and a Santa Clauss going down a chimney, in the middle of the equatorial tropic. How are these traditions stablished as such, specially when they are not related to our reality? How or why do we keep repeating and continuing these traditions? There […]
Una vida en la favela
Abstract: Carmen Lucia Mareiro Maia, 58 years old, is a nurse who has lived at the Tabajaras community all her life. Tabajaras is a small slum located near the Copacabana neighborhood, the heart of south Rio. It is said that slums here are like little cities inside the city, with […]
Mapeando el bien común de Rio de Janeiro (Entrevista a Pablo de Soto)
Abstract: Pablo de Soto is a young activist interested in the possibilities that emerge from the processes of globalization and the development of new technologies. Arquitect and PHD student from ECO (Escola de Comunicaçâo) in Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Pablo has given lectures and directed workshops involving these issues in […]