Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • Traffic at sunset in Caracas

    Venezuela vive su proceso ajena a la globalización

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    Abstract: Venezuela is a country experiencing intense political contradictions that affect the economy. XXI Century Socialism is the system under which Chávez envisioned the development of Venezuela. The “5 engines” for the revolution are being implemented, but these deny by principle any dialogue and consensus. In that scenario, the private sector has […]

  • ¿Globalización económica en Bolivia? No, gracias

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    Abstract: Bolivia has lived in the past decade vivid demostrations of its rejection to economic globalization. It started in Cochabamba in 2000 with the ouster of the Bechtel Corporation and since then it has become national politics inforced by the government or by the people. This constant rejection has led […]

  • Las luchas de las mujeres migrantes en el Perú

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    Abstract: A woman who migrates certainly is a woman who searches. Through this article we will share a couple of stories that show how Peruvian women of the Andes and the jungle that were forced to migrate from the countryside or small towns to the capital, faced new problems and […]

  • When “globalization” means leaving

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    There’s a common saying here in tiny El Salvador that roughly translates as, “Two thirds of Salvadorans live in El Salvador. The rest live abroad.” Two American cities, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., have as many Salvadoran residents as San Salvador, the capital city of El Salvador. These millions who […]