The American Way and Healthcare
The provision of health insurance has become a controversial issue in American politics. But only two options are publicly discussed—the status quo and a big-government solution. A greater understanding of the proper role of government can help elucidate other viable options, which do not have the downsides of the United States’ current reform law, Obamacare.
Beyond Statistics: Informal Employment and Mexico City’s Subway
I take Mexico City’s subway twice a day. It is normal to hear “150 songs in MP3 format! It has been tested! It is guaranteed! Take it! Take it!”, or to exit the station to see an entire outdoor market has formed, where you can find anything from perfumes to […]
The Expansion Costs of Mexico (Mega) City
People, lots of people; cars, lots of cars; pollution, lots of pollution; insecurity, lots of insecurity. And yet it moves…. Mexico City, currently one of the 5 largest cities in the world, became a Megacity perhaps even before the term was created in the 1970s. During the 20th century, people from […]
Curing Aging Could Transform Society
Some people want to live forever, and they are actively working to accomplish just that. These people view aging as a curable disease, and they are supporting and conducting research to cure it. I don’t share this goal, but I do agree that if they succeed, society could be dramatically […]
The Net Effect: For Wired Migrants, It’s Often Home “Tweet” Home
Carl Rana, like many only children, is pointedly self-assured. “My mother would not know how to use a computer if I didn’t, like, tell her all how to use it,” the 20-year-old Filipino-American said, adding, “we’re impatient with our parents, it takes a while for them to learn, and we […]