Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Aging’

  • The era of “The State should give me” must end

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    Imagine the public budget as a big cake. The biggest slices cover expenses for pensions, education, unemployment benefits, medical insurance, social assistance, etc. Together they make up the components of the welfare state on which we rely so much. If one slice of the cake gets bigger, the other pieces […]

  • An aging society in a welfare state?

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    What would you do with a country where you have a very generous healthcare system, an aging society and a pretty complicated economic situation? Hungary is well known as a country on its way to embracing Western European standards in terms of social security and economic success. A lesser known […]

  • Curing Aging Could Transform Society

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    Some people want to live forever, and they are actively working to accomplish just that. These people view aging as a curable disease, and they are supporting and conducting research to cure it. I don’t share this goal, but I do agree that if they succeed, society could be dramatically […]