Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘disaster management’

  • The Political “Economy” of Natural Disasters

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    Natural disasters occur in a political space.  Although events beyond our control may trigger a disaster, the level of government preparedness and response greatly determines the extent of suffering incurred by the affected population.  We use a political economy model of disaster prevention,  supported by case studies and preliminary empirics […]

  • Natural Disaster Conflicts

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    This paper explores the effect of natural disasters on conflict. Disasters disrupt daily lives and social systems and call into question prevailing social and political arrangements. Directly and indirectly they create the conditions for instability and conflict by exacerbating social grievances and resource scarcities, and accelerating changes in social systems. […]

  • Democracy in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters

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    Natural disasters have been linked to a higher risk of violent conflict, but some studies find that negative shocks in rainfall, which could indicate drought disasters, can create a window of-opportunity that makes democratization more likely. This study investigates whether actual natural disasters are associated with changes in democracy. We […]