Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Megacities’

  • Rapid Urbanization: Lessons From the Hungarian Rust-Belt

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    The rapid development of megacities is a characteristic feature of today’s world. Megacities bring many positive changes to people’s lives in developing countries; however, the negative implications of such unsustainable growth also weigh heavy in the balance. Given the changes and challenges that rapid urbanization produces, the recent past offers many useful lessons for […]

  • The New City

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    As the world’s cities swell they’re being forced to change. Steven Watson takes a look at the new challenges facing urban living and uncovers some interesting attempts to manage the transition.

  • Euronews: Tomorrow’s City – The Urban Innovation Buzz

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    The cities of tomorrow are all about minds and machines coming together to create innovations that will change the game. Talents around the world are increasingly coming to Singapore for high-tech R&D. Find out how Singapore is creating a collaborative environment to foster greater creativity with multi-disciplinary talents.