The Arab World Poised between Revolution and Repression
The Arab Spring must not be allowed to run out of steam. The sheer staying power of the old regimes and important social issues are threatening to slow down or even to stifle the revolutions, rebellions and nascent reforms. It is time that Europe flexed its political muscles read more
North Africa and Europe – democratic values more important than ever before
Emphasizing the need for the EU to assume a more visible and active stance in support of democratization, the North African authors call upon the EU to demonstrate greater moral support and resolve in the pursuit of goals rather than increased funding. Read More (Arabic) read more
The Israelian View
Here you can find some information from an Israelian point of view, published on Haaretz.com read more
Al Jazeera (English)
Al Jazeera is the best English source for news about the revolution movement in the Arabian countries. read more
Civil Society Participation and UN Women
Globalsister.org presses for a role for civil society as advisors and actors in the functioning of UN Women. Read more