Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts from ‘Free Trade: Bane or Benefit?’

  • Ricardo is dead

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    Disclaimer: The article was written both from a perspective of a developed country and a devoloping country. Maria Farooq, Ole Wintermann One Dimensional Perspectives: A Risk for Globalisation? The 250 year old thesis is that globalization is a win-win-situation. The reason for that is the specialization of every country on […]

  • La carne de cerdo es uno de los productos salvadoreños que no pudo aprovechar el CAFTA. Fotografía tomada por la autora.

    Las deudas económicas del CAFTA

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    Abstract: Seven years have have passed since El Salvador became the first country to start the application of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), signed with the United States. The agreement has had many detractors since its  negotiation, and  many sectors insist it has affected the Salvadoran production and even increased […]