Slovakia: more young people = more unemployment?
Like most of the developed world, Slovakia also faces the problem of an aging population. With ever more elderly people and fewer children, the state pension system requires the raising of the age of retirement age which, in turn, means that fewer jobs are around for young people. Yet Slovakia […]
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Good Jobs vs. Any Jobs: Do we have to choose?
In countries hardest hit by the global financial crisis, unemployment for young professionals can reach nearly 50%, far superior to unemployment rates among the active population over 25. For those lucky enough to find jobs, they are often precarious short-term contracts that offer little hope of future stability, even for […]
Bulgaria: Recovering Drug Addicts Targeted by Police Bullying
Non-communicable diseases is a puzzling term for many. Personally. I am bothered because it does not include a wide range of socially-relevant disorders. The pandemics of poverty as well as stigma and extra-legal investigation of people in a poor health condition are a chronic scourge along with obesity and cancer. […]
Los problemas de la gran minería en Perú
Abstract: In times of globalization and search for economic development, the mining industry is with no doubt one field that generates love and hate. Beyond socioenvironmental conflict there is a whole sociopolitical spectrum permeating this industry that has its parallel, and some antithesis, in the discourses about climate change and […]
An Open Question: Bhutan’s Maturing Democratic Culture
In 2008, Bhutan completed one of the most peaceful – and ironic – transitions to democracy. Initiated by the Fourth King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the process involved a voluntary abdication of power in the face of public opposition to democracy. Imagine the living embodiment of a Platonic Philosopher King, someone universally […]