Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Author Archive

Tibor Blažko Tibor
  • Museum Vychylovka, Slovakia

    Slovakia: Thinking local to avoid global

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    Strategic lessons about how globalization works are part of the daily entertainment program in many Slovak pubs. If you don’t have the chance to visit them personally – although, trust me, Slovak beer is really nice – here is short taster. “Original plans” Listen in to any round of regulars […]

  • Solar power plant (Serpa, Portugal)

    Slovakia: Paying unsustainably more for sustainability?

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    In terms of its technology, I have no worries about Slovakia’s ability to sustain growth when compared to other countries.  If the West has been able to achieve its present level of development, then we can reach it too. If Westerners continue to have enough energy to maintain their standard of living, […]

  • No real austerity in Slovakia

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    Even in previous decades during years of high growth, Slovakia still ran up big deficits. To enter the euro area a country has to meet a reasonable set of criteria known as the Maastricht criteria. This means that a country which gives up its local currency must keep its deficit […]