Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’

  • Australia: Western Australia’s Shark Culling Has No Bite

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    Following a series of recent fatal shark attacks in Western Australia, the state government implemented its controversial pre-emptive shark mitigation strategy, a $6.85 million program that involves the installation of baited drumlines to catch and cull sharks measuring over 3 metres in length. The Government’s stance: cull or be killed […]

  • Why the TAFTA | TTIP will not Live Up to its Promises

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    Abstract: Negotiations on a Transatlantic Free Trade Area, also known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TAFTA | TTIP) have been officially launched in July 2013. This TAFTA | TTIP is sold by the European Commission with two main arguments and two additional points to reassure potential opponents. In the first category there […]