TPP y Perú: ¿beneficios económicos o trampas comerciales?
Abstract: In a global dynamic in which the concept of borders seems to mutate and even fade, free trade agreements are the order of the day. In the case of Peru, where the negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership are currently taking place, netizens have been mobilizing activists with […]
Tratados de Libre Comercio en Colombia: entre las promesas y el sinsabor
Abstract: It is very hard to tell if Free Trade Agreements are “good” or “bad”, but what I can tell as a consumer is that I cannot see their advantage, products are still as expensive as they were before said agreements; free competition is not that free if competing sectors […]
Jóvenes y adultos padecen por igual situaciones de desempleo en Venezuela
Cualquier momento es bueno para redondearse un dinero extra, especialmente en tiempo de elecciones. Foto: Kira Kariakin. Abstract: In Venezuela it’s common to complement the monthly income with small side enterprises, a practice known as “killing tigers” (matar tigres), but for some it’s a way of living. Currently 40,6% of […]
Una identidad nueva para nuevas oportunidades económicas: la chola boliviana
Abstract: European migrations since the sixteenth century provoked a world wide movement of men, women, objects, fabrics, ideas, fashion. In colonial Bolivia indians were prohibited from using Spanish clothings in order to maintain the social order. However, in the eighteenth century women from indigenous descent but already mixed raced transformed […]
Industria alimenticia y obesidad infantil en Brasil
Abstract: Today, only in Brazil, one in every three children between 5 and 9 years is obese. Despite the campaigns undertaken by the public health ministry, nothing indicates a decrease of these figures. On the contrary, recent researchs show that the common Brazilian diet is increasingly rich in sugars and saturated […]