Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Christian’

  • Do Religious Rituals Boost Economic Globalization?

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    Religion and its old age rituals have always been a source of fascination for people, if not a source of devout enlightenment. However in the 21st century religious events, pilgrimages, in particular, have surfaced as an inexhaustible treasure for the new age economic globalization. From the glimmering streets of the Vatican […]

  • Peace can be found. Photo taken by Jimmy Brown on Flickr, part of Yahoo Public Domain

    The clash of civilizations and the peace hypothesis

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    Nearly seven billion human beings live on this planet called Earth. Although these seven billion belong to the same species, they are very different. Hundreds and maybe thousands of beliefs occupy their minds. Differences in race, ethnicity, culture, and geographical position have turned mankind into a competing, violent, intolerant race […]