TTIP: A Clash of Offline- and Online Culture?
‘The Transatlantic Colossus: Global Contributions to Broaden the Debate on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement’ (2014), a publication from the Berlin Forum on Global Politics in collaboration with the Internet & Society Collaboratory and FutureChallenges.org of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The attached presentation shows my own perspective on the content of […]
Read all posts for ‘globalization’
Global Contributions to Broaden the Debate on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement
‘The Transatlantic Colossus: Global Contributions to Broaden the Debate on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement’ (2014), a publication from the Berlin Forum on Global Politics in collaboration with the Internet & Society Collaboratory and FutureChallenges.org of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The free trade agreement (TAFTA | TTIP) currently being negotiated between […]
Worldwide Blogger Network Wants to Thrive!
“Projects can be further defined as temporary rather than permanent social systems or work systems that are constituted by teams within or across organizations to accomplish particular tasks under time constraints.” Wikipedia Conceived in such terms by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, the FutureChallenges project is now facing its own particular time […]
A globalized economy also means globalized ideology and globalized prejudice…
On the one hand economic globalization brings us all together – well, globalization itself does that, but anyway… on the other, people are increasingly bewildered by the lack of transparency on the part of government and enterprise. If it’s true that worlds of information are only a mouse click away, […]
Innovation in Old Drug Country
San Francisco. New York. Berlin. Medellín? That’s right, add Medellín to the list of entrepreneurial hubs. The Colombian city was named 2013’s Innovative City of the Year by the Wall Street Journal magazine and Citi Bank, over any other cliché startup metropolis. Talk to any paisa, a native of Medellín, […]