Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Author Archive

Corina Murafa

Corina Murafa holds a Master in Public Policy, with a focus on economic policy and European governance, from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. An energy expert, Corina's current work in Romania was preceded by stints with the United Nations Development Programme, Deloitte Consulting, and with the Romanian Academic Society. She is a former Open Society Institute fellow (New York) and is currently an associate fellow for the Aspen Institute Romania, where she acts as elected Chairperson of the alumni network.
  • "All Ways Happy Environment Day," Photo by Flickr-user dhunfin

    A Marriage Fraught with Heartache: Democracy and Climate Change

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    “What we may be witnessing is […] the end of history as such: that is […] the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.” Decades after its publication, Francis Fukuyama’s proclamation of the unabashed triumph of democracy still produces uproar among readers and commentators. In […]