Trending now – Be Your Own Boss!
In Pakistan, there are not enough jobs around to fulfill the needs of the people. Add to this the fact that the current job system is economically unsatisfactory for employees as it demands more than it can give, and you can see that the overall situation is that either […]
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Graduated, Skilled, Eager and Unemployed
Are Australian undergraduates looking forward to getting employed when they graduate, or are they concerned about prospects in Australia? “Go to university,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said… The effects of the GFC linger even in our isolated corner of the world. While older Australian workers grip tightly to […]
An aging society in a welfare state?
What would you do with a country where you have a very generous healthcare system, an aging society and a pretty complicated economic situation? Hungary is well known as a country on its way to embracing Western European standards in terms of social security and economic success. A lesser known […]
Government help for early repayment of mortgages in foreign currency – a real solution for Hungary?
Over the past few years, Hungarians have spent far more than they could afford. Now the government is trying to save them from the consequences of the financial crisis and their own irresponsibility. But is it really a good idea to be such a nanny? Before the financial crisis, bank […]
Reforming Britain’s NHS: Operation Successful Patient Dead
Established in 1948, the National Health Service (NHS) was a symbol of a new era – it was a symbol of a country which moved to bring good healthcare to all citizens as an important part of social welfare. Hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, opticians and dentists were brought together under […]