Prospects of Democracy for Egypt’s Youth Bulge
“Youth’s energy, innovation and talent, can only bring the best for Egypt if it is targeted in the right direction,” Nahla Zeitoun of UNDP tells Future Challenges. Programme Analyst at the UNDP Democratic Governance unit in Cairo, Nahla Zeitoun likes to compare democracy to playing music. “Musicians ought to practice […]
Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’
Economic Success in Africa – Are Africa’s Leaders becoming Less Greedy?
In 2005 Robert Guest wrote an article in the Telegraph comparing South Korea and Kenya and the reason why South Korea overtook Kenya in terms of economic growth. The title of the article is in form of a question and a straight simple answer. Why has South Korea overtaken Kenya? […]
Mobile Phones, Internet and Social Media Use in Kenya
In the developed world, communication has been easier as everyone in one way or another has a telephone line even before the coming of mobile phones and internet. The same could not be said about Africa. Up to around the year 2000, only offices within major urban centres had telephone lines. […]
A New Step for Brazilian Democracy?
The ongoing trial of several high-ranking public officials in Brazil involved in the mensalão scandal – a widespread corruption scheme – has caught the attention of the Brazilian and international media. In particular, The Economist has covered this issue in pieces that provide a balanced background for the non-Brazilian reader, while […]
Sobre cómo el empleo es un juego de azar
Abstract: The rules under which employment is framed are a mystery to me, the criteria on experience and preparation are always contradictory: you don’t need to have experience, yet you need it if your CV is to be considered; competitiveness has created a game in which “anything goes” – strategies […]