Defaming Religion: The New Tool to Silence Opposition in Egypt
It’s been well over three months since Muslim Brotherhood Freedom and Justice Party ex-leader Mohammed Morsi was sworn in as Egypt’s first democratically elected, post-revolutionary, non-military president and yet it all feels too familiar. Far from feeling that things have changed since the mass protests of January 25th,2011 and the […]
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Jobs Inside Kenya’s Largest Slums
Visiting a slum in Kenya was like stepping into another world, from a humongous five star hotel to crowded, dusty streets. Everything in less than 10 minutes. Being honest, this was not a completely new experience for me, as I am used to seeing and living between disparities. I was […]
Yes, Peace is possible….
I would like to argue that peace is possible between individuals and societies. If, that is, we learn to accept that various perspectives are acceptable and possible and allow others the space to express and live their lives according to their own ideologies and views. Conflicts are a part of […]
Selvas de concreto y cultura verde: Repensando la ciudad en América Latina
Abstract: To talk about “green culture” in recent times, and in some of the largest Latin American cities, has become part of fashion. A wide range of strategies such as the adaptation of roads for non motorized vehicles, the incursion of the construction sector in ecological technologies successfully implemented in other cities […]
Not in my backyard please!
Imagine your country is rich in an expensive, useful but dangerous resource. Imagine this resource lies near your town. What would you do? What do you think Hungarians should do? Hungary is a small country in Central Europe that lacks significant energy resources and is strongly dependent on energy imports. […]