Building the Great Firewall? Just Follow the Masters!
Governments worldwide are trying to introduce legislation for cyber censorship, curbing the privacy of internet users. And it’s no different here in Pakistan. In fact the government of Pakistan is way ahead of many others when it comes to escalating internet censorship in the name of “national security”. A division […]
Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’
The Rise of Digital Democracy in Cambodia
Globalization and the development of technology has brought better access to information and increased civic participation to most countries and Cambodia is no exception. While non-governmental organizations have traditionally been the key advocacy players, technological advances have now heralded in the rise of citizen journalism networks. The trend, however, is […]
The Community Approach: A Remedy to Epidemic Ravaged Democracy in Pakistan
If pseudo democratic governments fail to manage outbreaks of epidemics, communities can come together to support people by tapping into their resources. Dengue fever has been a nightmare for the people of Pakistani in the last two years. In 2011, it reportedly infected more than 1400 people and killed 300. […]
Well paid jobs for young people – not just employment
In the 21st century scenarios such as rising inflation, lack of employment and a crippling economy have become far too common for people all across the globe. Limited by financial constraints, the people hit by them look to battle it out in the job market to find work that in […]
Who owns the Internet? The struggle between private property and freedom of speech
Let’s conduct an experiment. On a scale, five grams of freedom are placed on one side, and five grams of private property are placed on the other. Now, observe carefully…Is the balance tipped in one side’s favor? The United States’ Stop Online Piracy Act’s (SOPA) bill aims to expand law […]