Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’

  • East Africa’s Regional Trade Expectations Need Better Management

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      My economics teacher at university liked to quote the maxim: “trade makes everyone better off”. He believed that if people engaged in trade they become more prosperous. This is even truer when applied to countries. Bilateral and multilateral trade creates market and job opportunities for citizens of participating countries. […]

  • MOOCs and their impact on Pakistan’s traditional education system

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    Since the past few decades, technology has not only developed itself at an exponential rate, it is also revolutionizing other aspects of our life. Food, communication, health, businesses; many industries have gone through disruptive innovation because of technological advancement. Interestingly, tech didn’t take much long to revolutionize the education industry, […]

  • Women’s empowerment starts in the home!

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    The high rate of violence and abuse against women in Fiji is having a negative impact on women’s ability to participate in economic life. Abuse is not just physical, it can also be emotional and financial. The financial abuse suffered by women in Fiji highlights a flaw in governance that […]