Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts from ‘The great land rush’

  • Food Security- an inconvenient truth for Taiwan

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    When my father was a little poor orphan during the war in China, he searched in fields for the remains of grains of rice and ate them with rats’ or birds’ eggs he found. And my mother as a child in eastern Taiwan coast, ate rice gruel mixed with sweet […]

  • Land Grabs in Ethiopia

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    It is being dubbed the second scramble for Africa: millions of acres of land are being snapped up by companies from Asia and the Middle East, reports.

  • Land Grabs and Post-War Development in South Sudan

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    Land grabbing in Africa is not merely an issue of outside investors- governments and hedge funds- buying or leasing land. Land grabs are not simply the case of small farmers being acted upon by hedge fund managers, multinational corporations or governments. In some cases, land grabs take place amid continuous […]

  • “Development” does not justify land grabs in Cambodia

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    The problem of forced evictions and land grabs is growing worse in Cambodia, leading to violence fuelled by deep dissatisfaction over existing resettlement schemes. Estimates by both local and international organizations including Amnesty International identified approximately 10 percent of the population of Phnom Penh as having faced eviction in the […]