Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

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  • Italian symbol of the presence in the city

    Poland’s “Little Italy” is a sign of the times

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    Wroclaw is a city with a complicated historical background:  in the course of its one thousand year history, the capital of the Lower Silesian District –Voivodeship- has been under Bohemian, Austrian, Prussian and German control, before re-becoming Polish in the aftermath of World War II. With its past, this city […]

  • Prevent Uganda’s looming climate catastrophe

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    By Mubatsi Asinja Habati When the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon was giving remarks at the climate talks (COP18) in Qatar last year, one fact caught my attention. Ki-Moon said no one is immune to climate change –rich or poor. In Uganda, like for the rest of the world, there […]

  • Itaipu Dam. Photo by Angeloleithold on WkimediaCommons. CC BY-SA 3.0

    Brazil and the limits of the possible

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    Meet Marina Silva. A former senator and minister of the environment for the ruling party, PT (the Brazilian Workers Party), in 2009 she left to joing the PV, Brazil’s small green party. Next year she finished third in the presidential race, with almost 20 million votes – an astonishing feat […]