Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

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  • Green Jobs in India

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    This article was originally drafted by the Strategic Foresight Group for the newsletter “Asian Insider” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on, please click here. Increasing interest in protecting the environment and combating climate change combined with the challenge to provide employment to a burgeoning […]

  • Mining and Inuit Communities in Canada – Tom Hoefer

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    This is a long version of the answer that Tom Hoefer (Executive Director, Northwest Territories and Nunavut Chamber of Mines) gave us for the Lead Article A Zero-Sum Game? which deals with the following question: Rapid globalization makes competition for land, raw materials and other resources intense. When the stakes are so high, can rural, […]

  • Mining and Rural Communities in the Philippines – Clemente Bautista

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    This is a long version of the answers that Clemente Bautista (President of Kalikasan: People’s Network for the Environment) gave us for the Lead Article A Zero-Sum Game? which deals with the following question: Rapid globalization makes competition for land, raw materials and other resources intense. When the stakes are so high, can […]

  • Irene Natividad at GES | Photo taken by the author

    GES Personality: Irene Natividad

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    The following article deals with the topic “Implementing Board Diversity,” which is currently being discussed at the Global Economic Symposium in Rio. The author intends to enrich the discussion at the symposium with her personal stories and ideas. “I was at the panel about New Approaches to Economic Challenges, and there […]