Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • Innovation in Old Drug Country

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    San Francisco. New York. Berlin. Medellín? That’s right, add Medellín to the list of entrepreneurial hubs. The Colombian city was named 2013’s Innovative City of the Year by the Wall Street Journal magazine and Citi Bank, over any other cliché startup metropolis. Talk to any paisa, a native of Medellín, […]

  • Inclusion and Happiness in Bhutan

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    In the span of a single generation, Bhutan has proven that its Gross National Happiness (GNH) approach to development can also lead to tangible GDP results. By managing its natural resources and unlocking its hydropower potential, the country has made impressive progress, enabling all segments of society to participate in, […]

  • Rural road in Tamesis Antioquia

    Turning to Localization instead of Globalization

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    I grew up in a time when the barriers between developed countries and developing countries started becoming permeable. Windows opened and I could peek into life in other latitudes.  As I learned about lives of people in other places, I absorbed the message that development meant I should aspire to […]