Preventing Possible Water Wars in West-Africa
West Africa is swept by many rivers and water bodies that have kept the region irrigated and fertile along many parts of the coast. The Volta River and the Niger River are two large water resources that are sustaining large populations in many different countries. In times past, these two […]
Foresight: Three Scenarios Regarding the Monetary Union
This article was originally drafted by the Society for International Development for the newsletter “GHEA Outlook” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on futurechallenges.org, please click here. The currency and inflation crisis and the EAC’s commitment to monetary union offers an opportunity to speculate about some […]
Civil Society Leadership: Towards A More Responsible World Order
At the Millennium Summit convened by the United Nations from 6-8 September 2000, the then Secretary-General Kofi Annan presented a report that laid the foundations for the pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals. Entitled ‘We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the Twenty-First Century’ , the report […]
Ten Years On: Remembering 9/11 From Many Miles Away
It was early afternoon here in Ghana some ten years ago. I remember walking into the living room and seeing a plane fly into a building on TV. Just coming from school, I thought it was a movie I had missed countless minutes of and so my first reaction was […]
The Effects of Dead Seaweed On Sierra Leone’s Beaches
The advent of democracy in Sierra Leone has opened up many opportunities for all sectors of the economy. The involvement of the United Nations, the European Union and NGOs from around the world in rebuilding the country after over a decade of civil war gives hopes for a brighter future […]