Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘GLOBALISATION’

  • Free Trade Agreements: Handle with Care

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    Like many other structural policies, free trade agreements are a tool used by governments to achieve their objectives. Now tools can be used or misused, and in this case the tool is not being used to its fullest potential. Free Trade Agreements need to be handled with due care if they […]

  • Austerity! What Austerity?

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    With an unemployment rate of around 5%, low inflation, low debt, low interest rates and a ‘AAA’ credit rating, the Australian economy has been the envy of many other developed nations since the global financial crisis (GFC) struck in late 2008.

  • Fiji Votes for Economic Growth?

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    Fiji has a very high poverty rate. In 2010 45% of Fijians lived under the poverty line and this figure has certainly risen since then due to the economic crisis and chronic lack of employment. With only one year left to the much anticipated 2014 Fijian elections, the big question […]

  • Future Challenges Reader "contagion"

    Contagion. Future Challenges Reader Volume 4 is Published

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    We have published our fourth in a series of Future Challenges Readers! This volume examines the costs and benefits of the growing economic bonds between countries all over the world. While ever-greater trade and financial flows between countries bring countless benefits, they also create the danger that a catastrophe in one economy […]