Asia Policy Brief: Economic Consequences of a Transatlantic Free-Trade Agreement for Asia
Asia Policy Brief 2013/05: Economic Consequences of a Transatlantic Free-Trade Agreement for Asia The „Asia-Policy-Briefs“ analyze political and economic developments in Asia and reflect on their impact on Germany and Europe. The short briefing papers focus on current events as well as underlying trends in important large Asian countries. In […]
Read all posts for ‘globalization’
TPP: A Powershift of a Different Kind
A few years ago, the concept of “the 99%” entered mainstream parlance. It’s a bit of an ironic expression because quite frankly the missing 1% refers to those with the money and the power and leaves the rest of us, the 99%, very much like mere puppets on strings moving […]
Global Economic Symposium 2013: Future Challenges’ Video Report
Hundreds of scientists, CEOs, representatives from NGOs and many more came to Kiel at the beginning of October 2013 to attend the annual Global Economic Symposium (GES). After last year’s journey to Rio de Janeiro the GES came back to its base in the capital of Germany’s northernmost state, Schleswig-Holstein. […]
Poverty of spirit in the midst of economic prosperity
Ever since I was a little girl, my parents and teachers used to tell me that the secret to happiness and excellence lies in education. Good grades were synonymous with prosperity and wealth, they’d drill into me. Yet no one ever told me about life after school. What’s next? […]
#TTIP: Arbeitsplätze sind wichtige Argumente – Partizipation, Transparenz und Verbraucherschutz aber auch
Im Rahmen unserer Kooperation mit dem Internet & Gesellschaft Collaboratory unter der Überschrift “Internet und Globalisierung” hatten wir letzte Woche die Möglichkeit, den britischen Journalisten Glyn Moody als Keynote-Speaker und weitere interessante Teilnehmer bei unserer Panel-Diskussion in der Heinrich Böll Stiftung begrüßen zu können. Hierbei wurde deutlich, und entsprechende Berichte […]