Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Hosni Mubarak’

  • The Egyptian Revolution: A Love Affair Gone Wrong

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    Egypt’s revolution –glorious, as it may be – has ruined our chances for healthy relationships, in my honest opinion. Let me tell you why. During, and in the aftermath of the 25 January revolution which called for bread, freedom and social justice, and demanded the ouster of three-decade dictator Hosni […]

  • Egypt: International Benefits – Local Bane

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    It’s no secret that the economic situation is Egypt has been in constant decline since the January 25th revolution. It is easy to blame this downturn on the unstable political situation; but the fact remains that the Egyptian economy and resources have been mismanaged for the last six decades. Economic […]

  • Islamist-phobia in the Middle-East

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    No, you did not misread the headline. Stereotyping and prejudice against the politically ambitious Islamists within Arab countries creates friction among societies looking to move ahead. Representation is reality. People live a world of their own construct; their environment is mediated by images and representations of ‘the other’ that dictate […]

  • The curious case of press freedom in the new Egypt

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      A newspaper was confiscated, its chief editor on trial at the moment, another TV channel suspended, two other media outlets being judicially pursued for “defaming the president”, and regular columnists known to be critical of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood allege they have been banned from writing. The much-respected Committee to […]