Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Media’

  • Journalists at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China.

    BRICS Reports: Faster Than The Censors

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    This article is part of a cooperation between Future Challenges and the Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI). SGI’s new study “Change Ahead? Sustainable Governance in the BRICS” examines policy making in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. We’ve asked five of our bloggers to tell us what they think about the reports. In China, social […]

  • (Re)actions for Democracy from the Balkans

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    Democracy apart, there is no other idea so often extinguished, despised, rejected as irredeemably utopian and reborn again and yet again as the deep human need for justice. Even so, less noble human characteristics such as greed, envy, arrogance, intolerance and aggressiveness, combined with our tendency to avoid responsibility seem […]

  • CHINA 100819 10104-SmithWinsGold 27th CISM World Military Wrestling Championships Army Family Morale Welfare Recreation Command

    Chinese highlights at the London Olympics

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    After the Olympic euphoria, London’s gigantic show has left us with mixed memories of well-rehearsed glorified races, gold medals and tears. Flags, fireworks and red sightseeing buses accompanied millions of spectators worldwide during the whole summer. Yet these fierce symbols of London’s Olympics also share another pecularity : they are […]

  • Halting the Democratic Rollback in Pakistan

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    The “rollback” of democracies has always been a part of history ever since the concept was conceived. However, there have been both successful and unsuccessful attempts to sustain democratic processes for the benefit of society and the people. Whether successful or unsuccessful, such efforts are always commendable. The development of […]