Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Papua New Guinea’

  • Growth and Sustainability: The Pacific Way

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    The traditional lifestyles of the Pacific Islanders are an epitome of how growth can go hand in hand with sustainability.  Growth for them is not about economic acceleration. Growth is more intangible in nature; personal growth, cultural growth, spiritual growth and collective growth. Growth happens within the natural limits of […]

  • True Prosperity in Times of Austerity

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    Here is a fictional scenario. I’m a contestant on a quiz show called Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I’ve managed to answer all the questions correctly up to now and there’s only one more question separating me from the million dollar prize. I’m on the edge of my seat […]

  • A Silent Crime: Violence Against Women in Melanesia

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    The transition from subsistence to a cash economy is pushing Melanesian women into the workforce. The issue is not just about what is gained and what is lost but about challenging the discriminatory practices that suppress women from exercising their human rights.  Violence Against Women (VAW) is a silent crime that is […]

  • Papua New Guinea and the game of mining: who wins? who loses?

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    Hot. Stuffy. Noisy. White man dressed in checkered shirt and jeans. Oh and there’s another one. And another one. Some carrying brief cases and laptop bags.  Some burying their faces in newspapers. Some intensely engaged in conversations on their mobile phones. This is a typical scene at the Jackson Airport […]