Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Poland’

  • Unfinished remains of Żarnowiec Nuclear Power Plant, photo by Grzegorz -

    Why Doesn’t Poland Have Any Nuclear Power Plants?

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    The answer to this question is a chronological sequence of various factors which have interacted ever since the Second World War. Coal The first factor is coal. Mother Nature has richly endowed the current territory of  Poland with “black gold” as the Poles call it.  Its coal reserves were sufficient […]

  • The Shadow of 9/11: A Personal Perspective From Poland

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    My story about 9/11 starts quite similar to my colleague’s one from Pakistan. I had just returned home from school when I saw the plane hitting the tower on TV. After shock had passed, sympathy and solidarity toward with Americans were dominant feelings for my family, friends and generally for all […]

  • Photo of a mythical Polish plumber, symbol of Polish labor migration to the Western Europe. Picture by jaime.silva

    A One-Way Ticket: Polish Emigration in the EU

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    Polish emigrants are safe and sound abroad. Government plan (or rather a slogan) of them coming back is a wishful thinking. Why? Poland doesn’t offer anything that would be beneficial for them, as you can earn for the whole year living in Poland just in 4 months in the UK.

  • Shale Gas in Poland: A Future Blessing or a Curse?

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    Two years ago news about the shale gas discovery in Poland electrified European public opinion. Rough estimates indicated amounts significantly exceeding the country’s internal market needs – resources that could make the whole region of Eastern Europe independent of outside imports. A New Energy Eldorado in Central Europe Investors from […]