Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

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  • La angustia del buen vivir

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    Sumak Kawsay is an indigenous concept that involves good living and being responsible with all beings that surround us, including nature. In Ecuador, this concept (which comes from the Quechua language) was included in the final draft of the Constitution in 2008. It is the first time that the country speaks of the Rights of Nature, giving plants and land the same rights enjoyed by humans. But over the years, many fear that the urge for money can or will destroy this concept  and allow the indiscriminate exploitation of oil and mining, conceived by some politicians and enterprises as the only source to increase national income, affecting people and nature. Is Sumak Kawsay strong enough in Ecuador?


  • No Development and Peace Without Health

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    For a long time, development indicators have been linked with two important elements: the first is health, and the second is environmental health. Both of these are related to the social structure which is the basis for the development process.  Furthermore, human development is, significantly linked to the planning and […]

  • It’s simply a fight for life

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    The Brazilian model in the fight of the AIDS epidemic has been hailed as an inspiration for other governments, especially in the developing world. However, as it consolidates its bold strategies and eagerly waits for a new perspective of cure, the government must devise a plan to update positive aspects and explore even more opportunities in the fight for life.

  • A Date with Private Welfare

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    It was pretty delightful, the time we spent together was indescribable. Mr Welfare had really committed, promised me that he was there to support me describing himself as “responsible for the development of service delivery policy and provides access to social, health and other payments and services.” So I thought, […]