Caught in the Middle – The Dilemma of Young People in Central Europe
With swelling youth unemployment in the EU, young people in Central European youth are facing some difficult, yet not so obvious, choices. In an unequal world, where competition for jobs has become global, reaching for Western European living standards might just not be a sustainable long-term solution. With the spectacular […]
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The Darker Face of EU Solidarity
As Europe struggles on with the effects of the economic crisis, the debate on the upcoming EU budget is raising renewed concerns about solidarity. With calls for cuts to the Union’s budget becoming ever louder, we need to think about what effects fewer subsidies for poorer member states would have […]
El oro de la discordia
Abstract: Since Canada-based Pacific Rim Mining Corp. and other mining companies have tried to get authorizations to extract gold from El Salvador’s underground, there have been division among local people, legal battles, and even homicides. The stronger concern is the effect of the mining activity, and the use of chemicals, […]
Mexico and the 2008 Financial Crisis, from Flu to Pneumonia
In early 2008 preceding the American economic crisis, former Mexican Treasury Secretary Agustín Carstens stated that the effects of such a recession on the Mexican economy would be “a simple flu rather than a pneumonia.” It only took a few months to prove how wrong he was. The deep interconnection […]
Uganda’s Remittance Blues
African countries like Uganda are paying more attention to migrant workers’ remittances because this money has become another avenue for spurring domestic development. The reason for this attention is simple: “remittance flows directly impact on consumption, savings and investment“. As of 2007 Uganda was among the top 10 African remittance […]