For a nickel, for a dime, there’s a thousand parts to play
Nickel is as familiar as a five-cent coin. But few people know it’s a metal worth about $ 20, 000 a ton. Estimates show that Serbia has nickel reserves worth $ 100 billion: a very good reason for mining companies to show interest. One company actually got an exploration license […]
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Setting the old against the young: the Uganda scenario
Competition for the few available jobs in Uganda is pushing the young and old to the wall. Pressure mounted by the young university graduates who seek jobs, recently made President Yoweri Museveni to call for reduction of the retirement age from 55 years to 50 in order to create job […]
Bad education – the reason why young Bulgarians are left behind on the job market
317,000 young people – or close to 25% of Bulgaria’s population in the 15-29 age group – are neither in employment, nor education nor training. This puts Bulgaria at the top of the EU list in terms of the numbers of young people neither in work nor study, according to […]
War is a Human Matter
Slideshow of a series of activities (January – November 2012) called ¿Qué es para ti la paz? (what is peace for you?) directed by La Rana Encantada in Venezuela. The objective of the activity is to instill children with the concept of peace. Published with permission of the director […]
The world of diplomas has changed into a world of go-getters
Once upon a time there were diplomas. They used to certify what a young person was good at, and many employers hired people on the sole strength of that piece of paper. But there was never any actual proof of what young graduates could really do. If the university gave […]