The Social Pipeline: Identity within the Global Village
All articles you read, videos you watch, posts you tweet and things you like can now automatically be reposted to all your online profiles, creating a social pipeline. In China, activists use this method of mass propagation to fight against the amnesia that strikes their posts when deleted by censorship. But at the […]
Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’
Would you pave paradise to put up a parking lot?
Let everyone first understand what the problem is – and then we can come up with the appropriate solutions.
Fair dinkum, that’s good tucker!
Good tucker that’s not Macca’s! There’s an old expression, “you are what you eat.” I used to think to myself, “I don’t get it…how could I be a cheeseburger? I certainly don’t feel like a cheeseburger.” The Australian Insitute of Health and Welfare indicates that ‘a higher proportion of Indigenous […]
Economic success at Europe’s expense?
“Millions of rapacious Germans are coming every year as tourists and eating us out of house and home, tearing up our first class roads, taking shameless advantage of our cheap services, fantastic food and boundless hospitality. … And rapacious Germans forced people to invest their capital in German industry. Germany thrives […]
Bhutan: Democracy advances but old fears still persist
It’s not everyday that you can listen to a dialogue that flits from geopolitics and tourism to dynasties and culture; from refugees and handicrafts to a World Bank-funded road that leaves you in the middle of a wildlife sanctuary. It was precisely such a discussion, however, CultureSPEAK – Window Bhutan – that […]