Earth Day: Local Needs, Global Meanings!
As Earth Day approaches, here in Chile we have suddenly woken up and started talking about saving our old Mother Earth. Newspapers, magazines, and TV are full of information spreading awareness about the degradation of the environment. Most of these activities are kind of seasonal, a few days of sloganizing […]
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Un mañana más verde en la India
Abstract: A discussion on the deteriorating environment in Indian perspective indicates rising pollution, vanishing forests and growing population, as the obvious causes. Our policy makers are always heard of making grandiose plans of controlling pollution, and of reforestation. We seem obsessed with bigger ideas, while the goal of achieving a […]
French Lingua and Social Discrimination in the Moroccan Job Market
As pointed out by the previous post on Young Moroccan graduates, higher education in Morocco does not provide reliable social equality, as the professional future of a graduate will be highly affected by his socioeconomic background. In this post and in the continuity of the previous one, I will present […]
France: Greens collapse in Earth Day vote
Earth Day 2012 coincided with the first round to the French presidential elections which took place on 22 April. France’s Green Party faced a major setback, receiving a paltry 2.3%, posing the question of whether environmentalist movements can achieve more widespread political power. Earth Day 2012 brought together an estimated […]