Romania’s Gilded Opportunity
These past days Romania’s little corner of the Internet has been all astir : lines have been drawn in the sand and crossed, war drums beaten and in a very uncharacteristic move, Romanians have once more taken to the streets. The reason? A controversial gold mining project has recently been approved […]
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Austerity: No Walk in the Park
Lean times have fallen on America. Barring a massive political bargain, this year’s federal budget will clock in at below $3.45 trillion, down $150 billion from the previous year (a 4% decrease). Missing are $42.7 billion in defense spending, $28.7 billion in domestic discretionary spending, $9.9 billion in Medicare, […]
Parks and Trees – Collateral Damage in the Make-Over of Downtown Skopje
The green public space has no owner. It belongs to everyone. Until, that is, it no longer is a green public space. In Skopje a heated debate is being waged about who the parks belong to. On one side is the Government which believes that it is the rightful owner, […]
Bangladesh fights malnutrition … with zinc!
While its much affluent neighbour, India, is busy squabbling over a Right to Food Bill, Bangladesh has been busy. Bangladesh has just launched the world’s first zinc-enriched rice variety. With a country that’s fighting acute malnourishment, and which has one of the highest rates in the world with 41% of children […]
Sosteniendo lo insostenible: el hambre, asunto ético y moral
Abstract: Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food and fierce critic of the current agricultural production model, says that the world produces food for 12 billion people, twice the number of people on the planet. Yet there are about 1 billion people suffering from hunger. If you add the number of undernourished […]