Have we reached the limits to growth? Where you sit is where you stand!
“Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever, is either a madman or an economist.” (Kenneth Bouldin, economist) At university, the first graph we were shown in the economics class was plotting GDP growth in time, throughout the history of humanity. It turns out growth is actually a relatively […]
Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’
Empowerment and Endangerment of Female Labourers
Global scrutiny of the substandard working conditions of textile workers in Bangladesh’s garment factories intensified significantly following the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory, which is now considered to be one of the world’s worst industrial accidents. Much discussion has centred upon the industry’s exploitative practices that particularly impact […]
LESS IS POOR: austerity hurts children in the UK
This summer the Brits couldn’t stop discussing two children. In July both the United Kingdom and the world held their breath waiting for the birth of the son of Prince William and Kate Middleton. And in August the country was shocked at the revelation of Daniel Pelka’s death, a four […]
Is Poverty a Barrier To Sustainability in Uganda?
The question whether growth and sustainability can coexist makes me think of production factors which often crop up in economic discussions. Take for instance, if a country like Uganda wants to pump its newly found oil, it needs land, labour, capital and entrepreneurs to do a good job. These are […]
La riña entre el crecimiento económico y la riqueza natural en Centroamérica
Abstract: A couple of Central American countries are about to build two grand projects, hoping this will guarantee the big economic impulse this region needs to emerge from poverty. Nicaragua plans to build an interoceanic canal across its territory. Guatemala on its side, plans to build a dry canal. Both […]