Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

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  • On the Road to Democracy? Political Liberalization in Myanmar

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    The „Asia-Policy-Briefs“ analyze political and economic developments in Asia and reflect on their impact on Germany and Europe. The short briefing papers focus on current events as well as underlying trends in important large Asian countries. In addition, they seek to develop concepts and strategies to help governments and societies […]

  • TTIP: A Clash of Offline- and Online Culture?

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    ‘The Transatlantic Colossus: Global Contributions to Broaden the Debate on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement’ (2014), a publication from the Berlin Forum on Global Politics in collaboration with the Internet & Society Collaboratory and of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The attached presentation shows my own perspective on the content of […]

  • A Broader debate on TTIP is needed

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    With three rounds of TTIP talks completed, the contours of negotiations are becoming more apparent to policymakers and the public in the US and Europe. The scope of the negotiations indicates that a TTIP could become one of the most comprehensive economic agreements in decades. By their conclusion, the TTIP […]

  • Global Economic Symposium 2013

    Global Economic Symposium Reader: Redefining Success!

    This article is the foreword published in “Redefining Success”, written by Thomas Rausch. For decades, decision-makers in politics and business have measured success in “hard currency”: the GDP of an economy or the profit of a company have served as the gold standard of their respective welfare. The global economic […]