Farewell to Saray / Hasta siempre Saray
On January 3rd of this year, Sara Martin Rojo passed away in an unfortunate car accident. Multimedia Doctorate student at Unicamp University (Brazil), blogger of Future Challenges, dearest friend, a spirit serving life. The loss is irreparable. Saray, as many of us knew her, used to offer her whole […]
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Announcing Publication of the Debate Magazine “Globalization under the Shadow of Surveillance”
The debate magazine “Internet, Democracy, Trade – Globalization under the Shadow of Surveillance” produced by the Internet & Society Collaboratory (CoLab) in cooperation with FutureChallenges.org and newthinking is now available on newsstands everywhere (Price: €6). Instead of the usual final report, CoLab is pioneering a debate magazine format to broadcast the […]
Unser Magazin “Globalisierung im Schatten der Überwachung” Online und im Handel erhältlich!
Heute ist das Magazin “Globalisierung im Schatten der Überwachung – Internet. Demokratie. Handel.” veröffentlicht worden. Es bildet den Abschluss einer gemeinsamen Initiative des Internet und Gesellschaft Collaboratory und Future Challenges zum Thema “Globalisierung und Internet”. Unter diesem Link kann das Magazin kostenlos heruntergeladen werden. Die 9. Initiative des „Internet & […]
Asia Policy Brief: Economic Consequences of a Transatlantic Free-Trade Agreement for Asia
Asia Policy Brief 2013/05: Economic Consequences of a Transatlantic Free-Trade Agreement for Asia The „Asia-Policy-Briefs“ analyze political and economic developments in Asia and reflect on their impact on Germany and Europe. The short briefing papers focus on current events as well as underlying trends in important large Asian countries. In […]
TTIP concerns us all!
The TAFTA/TTIP Timeline The idea of a transatlantic free-trade zone is nothing new; at least it’s not as new as many people might think since it can be traced back to the founding of NATO. And while NATO is a purely military alliance, the notion of an Economic NATO is […]