Global Media Forum: Deutsche Welle connected us
My German trip started 4 days before the Global Media Forum opening ceremony, because Deutsche Welle invited me to a workshop on digital storytelling organized by the famous Grimme-Institute. I met our teachers Annette Schneider and Guido Kowalski in the hotel lobby. We had a talking at the dinner about […]
Health Care Fraud in a Broken System
Part 1 in a 2 Part Series The news is awash with headlines that paint a grim picture of healthcare in the United States. From the politicizing of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) to the Veteran Affairs scandal, and now new reports that rank the US dead last in […]
Mexico’s Digital Challenge
Can you imagine our interconnected world without internet? For those born in the digital era, as well as older generations that have assimilated the daily usage of information technologies, it is difficult to picture life without access to the network. Our lives would be completely different, we would not be […]
Wanted: Guts for the Ukraine Army
An oligarch opposed to Russia offers rewards for the capture of commandos occupying government buildings. He’s serious. But his countrymen are laughing until they cry. KIEV, Ukraine—Since the Ukrainian army is not proving very effective against pro-Russian commandos in the East of the country, a prominent oligarch has adopted a […]
Russia Tells ‘Tourists’ How to Go Fight in Ukraine
Moscow now offers a how-to guide for Russians who want to raise hell in Ukraine, and it’s working. Ukrainian businessman Volodymyr Ryabov has decided to improvise his own checkpoint between the Russian border and his home town of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine. He’s pulled concrete blocks from the foundation […]