Editorial: Shedding Light on the Region’s Traffic
This article was originally drafted by E. Phoutsavath and Indochina Research for the newsletter “I-Light” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on futurechallenges.org, please click here. The economies in Indochina are soaring, their urban populations are swelling and their traffic flows are on the rise. Urban migration, the rise in wealth […]
Cambodian Women and the Economy
A traditional Khmer saying “sartrey bangvil cheung kran min chum”, meaning women cannot do anything besides moving around the kitchen, seems no longer valid in contemporary Cambodian society, at least to a larger extent. A quick glance at some figures can show why this is so: around 65 percent of […]
The Jan Lokpal Anti-Corruption Bill – the State Vs. the People of India!
69 years since independence and India is still battling against a parasite called corruption. When the people of India voted for democracy, little did they know that six decades later, they will be wrapped in a emotional tug of war with the state and the governance.
Returning Indians in Search of the Indian Dream
At a recent dinner I bumped into two second generation Indians who had, a while ago moved to India from Britain and the US. Ravi had managed to jump the hurdles and settle down and was quite happy, but Neeraj’s story was different. Neeraj is a software engineer who returned […]
Profiles from “Providing Stepping Stones to Opportunities”
This article was originally drafted by Johannes Loh and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy for the newsletter “Asian Trends Monitoring Bulletin” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on futurechallenges.org, please click here. The booming economic development of Laos does not automatically improve access to services—a major issue […]