La nueva ley de las domésticas brasileñas: una lucha histórica
Abstract: Mrs. Creuza Maria Oliveira is the face of the struggle for labor rights of domestic workers in Brazil. President and leading activist of the FENATRAD (National Federation of Domestic Workers), Creuza has played a central role in the process of drafting the new constitutional law, approved last May by the […]
OccupyCocó: a battle for urban sustainable development
A mobility project has been sparking controversy in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, since early July, 2013. Why? Because a scheme to construct two overpasses requires the cutting down 94 trees in Cocó Park, the city’s largest green lung. The city government promised to compensate this sad loss by […]
Poor Women in Brazil Sing Their Own Desire
Injustice and inequality are no strangers for most of the women living in poor communities in cities across Brazil. They have to face long hours on public transport to get to work, they must struggle to find the work / family balance (an awful but still valid cliché) and manage […]
What do we mean by growth?
The old dilemma about growth vs. sustainability depends on what we mean when we use a word like “growth”. In the current model of development we must admit that, yes, there is an intrinsic contradiction between developing a country or an economy and making sure that the environment and […]
Sosteniendo lo insostenible: el hambre, asunto ético y moral
Abstract: Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food and fierce critic of the current agricultural production model, says that the world produces food for 12 billion people, twice the number of people on the planet. Yet there are about 1 billion people suffering from hunger. If you add the number of undernourished […]