Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • Marcha por el centro de La Paz, Bolivia

    La Paz se vive con violencia

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      Abstract: La Paz city got that name because it was founded to pacify the region after the civil war between the followers of Francisco Pizarro and those of Diego de Almagro in the 1540’s. The city was then granted a moto that conveyed the intention of uniting those before […]

  • Toma de posesión del Presidente Evo Morales en Bolivia

    Percepciones sobre la actual democracia boliviana

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      Abstract: After two dictatorial periods in the seventies and in 1980-81, Bolivia started a new democratic period. Since then the following governments and politicians have fought to maintain the best democracy possible always in the search of better representation. Since the start of the first term of the Evo […]

  • The Assange Case: the View from inside Ecuador

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      A diplomatic incident has made Ecuador hit the headlines with Britain, Sweden and the USA. From inside the country, we watch it with fascination and suspicion. All because of that sad letter from the British Foreign Office saying that they could remove diplomatic status from the Ecuadorian Embassy building […]

  • El imperio de la sed en la potencia mundial del agua

    Foto de la autora   Abstract: Holder of 13% of the total global water, Brazil is currently considered the greatest water potency in the planet. However, paradoxically, it is estimated that about 45 million Brazilians, number corresponding to 25% of the total population, lack access to water. The vulnerability of […]