Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • Solar Power for Development

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    Mexican sun and German technology are the two key components of Gregor Schapers’ innovative project. Deep in rural Mexico, in a small town of 450 inhabitants called El Sauz, Schapers, a German entrepreneur, founded Trinysol, a firm specializing in building cheap solar reflectors for small local businesses to bake, cook […]

  • Do Religious Rituals Boost Economic Globalization?

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    Religion and its old age rituals have always been a source of fascination for people, if not a source of devout enlightenment. However in the 21st century religious events, pilgrimages, in particular, have surfaced as an inexhaustible treasure for the new age economic globalization. From the glimmering streets of the Vatican […]

  • Mexico: Is Freedom of Violent Assembly and Association a Human Right?

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    Recurrent protests in Mexico City over the past three years have been by violent clashes between demonstrators and security forces. Physical injuries, damage to public infrastructure, destruction of businesses, lost sales and the blocking of public/private transportation caused by demonstrations has generated enormous economic costs. According to Mexico City Congressman Héctor […]

  • The (other) story of wind energy in Mexico

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    “Leave the oil in the soil and the coal in the hole”  is one of the many chants that young activists repeat at the United Nations Climate Change Conference year after year. This phrase comes from the poem read by the Nigerian environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey at the World People’s Conference on […]