Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘children’

  • Ani Choying Drolma: Breaking stereotypes

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    Gifted with a soulful voice, Ani Choying Drolma widely known as the Singing Nun travels the world, performing live shows of modern spiritual songs. These are mainly Buddhist chants, prayers and inspirational songs about compassion, hope and sharing in Nepali and Tibetan languages. It helps her raise funds for her […]

  • 20 Revolutionary Men

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    Look at any TV report about a business forum in Macedonia, a chamber of industry and commerce convention, a government session, a high level political meeting or a conference of municipal mayors* – and what do you see? You see that there are almost no women there! Then listen to […]

  • What will our children think about gender?

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    Whether there is a desired role for women in a specific society or not, social exaggeration is always possible. Below, I’d like to give two examples from Northern and Central Europe of how the mark can be overstepped.   “Equality, reflection drawing for kids” – photo by Min stemme on […]

  • Lets celebrate Earth Day!

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    Years of mindless exploitation have led to global warming and climate change with their natural calamities and chronic pollution. We are all responsible for not having made prudent and conscious use of our valuable natural resources. India is not far behind when it comes to environmental problems like pollution resulting […]