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Mirar nuestra región
Abstract: In 2011 both in Chile and Colombia massive student protest took place. In the first one the main motive was to obtain from the government the commitment to support and give free and good public education for in Chile every educational […]
Hungary: The Renaissance of Church-Owned Schools
Historically, Hungarian education has always been of high quality. However, it is impossible to sustain high quality education without money. Right now the country is seriously lacking financial resources for education and an old form of PPP – church-run schools – could well experience a renaissance. But a renaissance at what cost? […]
Education dreaming, becoming reality
The Australian education discourse is a largely urban one. Families in the capital cities have an abundance of schooling options to choose from, with the major consideration being the merits of public vs. private education. The biggest gap in Australia’s education system, where the ‘right to a good education’ is hardest […]
Learning Our Lesson
As protesters around the world demand their right to a good education, Blanca Vera and Amaya Querejazu investigate the learning potential offered by public-private partnerships.