Turning to Localization instead of Globalization
I grew up in a time when the barriers between developed countries and developing countries started becoming permeable. Windows opened and I could peek into life in other latitudes. As I learned about lives of people in other places, I absorbed the message that development meant I should aspire to […]
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Making the move to the city, losing the links of the country
Promises of employment and education opportunities have always lured country folk and many women to the “big smoke”. Over 83% of Australia’s population lives in major urban areas, while many rural towns are dwindling in population. The Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (2007) show that more than one third of young Australians […]
A woman’s worth less?
When Jane opened a letter from her manager about her request for a pay rise, she was overcome with that sinking feeling that many Australian working women know only too well. After 13 years as a medical receptionist at an inner city Melbourne medical practice, not only did the response […]
Pakistan: Are Urban Women’s Growing Baking & Sewing Interests Problematic?
Despite being terror-infested, Pakistan boasts a booming economy with thriving business, agricultural, and industrial sectors. The tax collection system in the country is in a shambles, with only 0.92% of the population paying taxes. While the way particular sectors should be properly taxed (or not) is hotly debated, this post […]
Russian women snared by poverty, enslaved by human trafficking?
“The average salary in Russia is based on the premise that one person earns RUB 2 million while the other 99 earn RUB 8000 per month. So taken together they earn RUB 27,000 on average. Simply put, Petya has 10 apples and Vasya has no apples. So on the average, […]